Five more awesome Facebook posts you can do

Five awesome Facebook posts to help you create engagement.

We all know that you need to be active on Facebook to build a following and connect with your audience (your customers target market). After all, it’s not the number 1 social media platform for nothing. 

And Facebook considers engagement as really, really important.

So, what is engagement? 

Well, it's more than just likes. It's people commenting on your post. And it's people sharing your post. Oh, and if they're sharing directly to other people through messenger, that's considered really awesome engagement. And Facebook loves engagement.

The more engagement your posts get, the further your reach is and the more people get to connect with your business. 

But coming up with engaging content can be challenging.

Never fear! We are here with five awesome Facebook posts to help you create engagement. 

1. Ask a question

2. Share some news

3. Behind the scenes

4. A scroll-stopping image

5. Share a link

1. Ask a question

The trick here is to be direct. That means not asking open ended questions. If you give people an easy choice then it makes it easy for them to answer, and that will create more comments and engagement.

For example, ask Yes or No? Do you schedule your Facebook posts regularly?

If you can't think of any questions to ask, then think about what your customers ask you all the time. Can you turn those questions into a Yes or No question? Or a Thumbs up or Thumbs down question? Perhaps a Do you or Don’t you question?

2. Share some news

Do you have an announcement about new products? Or perhaps you have an event coming up. Have you received some awesome feedback recently?

Share news about your business and what you’re doing.

For example, we shared an announcement about sponsoring a business awards category. People connected and then commented and shared the post. Engagement +++!

Sharing an announcement is a great way to keep your followers and customers informed. And, at the same time, it deepens their connection with your business.

3. Behind the scenes

Part of the beauty of social media is that it allows you to let people see and feel like they are part of your behind-the-scenes activities.

Share a video of you making your product. Or a photo of your team in action on a project. If you (and your team are camera shy, perhaps a post listing what you have accomplished during the day (like the example below).

People love to connect on a personal level with businesses, so show the people involved in your business.

Share what happens in your day-to-day business life. You’ll be surprised how many people will connect with it.

4. A scroll-stopping image

We’ve all been there. Scrolling through the feed and then we see an image that just brings us to a screaming halt.

Often, that image will have nothing to do with the actual content of the post. But it got you to stop and read the content. The trick here is that you need to make the content engaging too. Because you want people to not only stop scrolling, you want them to comment and share your post as well.

For example, we usually use cute puppies to stop the scroll. In the instance below the content is actually relevant to the image. But remember, it doesn’t have to be.

Hint: green and red stand out on Facebook. Avoid blue toned images if you can as they blend in.

5. Share a link

If you're asking people to do something, then make sure you include a link in your post, where you want them to go. It could be to your website. Or someone elses website. It could be to an app.

Make sure you give a reason to click on the link. This will usually be that you are providing something of value. For example, you might share your latest blog.

Make your thing of value, your offer, your call-to-action, enticing so that people will click on the link. 

At the end of the day, the best way to improve your Facebook marketing is to understand your audience.

When you’re really struggling what to post, ask yourself who you’re trying to reach. Who is your audience?

When you know who your audience is, who you’re targeting, it will help you know what sort of posts to share.

If you need help with your Facebook marketing, then let us know. We'd love to help you.

If you need help making your marketing happen, lets have a coffee and a chat.

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