How to be awesome on Instagram

How to be awesome on Instagram

Instagram is awesome. Instagram is cool when you’re part of a team. Instagram is awesome, when you’re living the dream!

Apologies in advance for the earworm that now occupies your head! But Instagram is awesome. Let’s get serious though.

Are you making the most out of your awesomeness on your Instagram page?

To make you page the awesomest it can be involves more than just popping up an image on regular basis.

Here are 3 tips to help you be truly awesome on Instagram in 2020.

  1. 1Understand and work with the algorithm
  2. 2Know your audience
  3. 3Mix up your posts
  4. 4Bonus tip

1. Understand and work with the Instagram algorithm

I hear people all the time talking about ‘beating the algorithm’! It’s something I simply don’t get.

Why go into battle with the giants of social media when you can work with them?

In other words, understand the algorithm and work with it rather than trying to figure out ways around it.

Later have written a great blog on how the Instagram algorithm works in 2020

Check it out and have a go at working with the algorithm.

And yes, in the blog there is a reference to “beating the algorithm” but in reality, they’re additional tips on working with the algorithm.

2. Know your audience

When you know your audience, you can create your content to really appeal to them and engage them.

Use the insights data. Understand what content connects better with your followers and creates engagement. Which of your posts outperformed other?

Are there particular hashtags that are attracting new followers.

What days and times are your followers most active?

Which posts gave you the best click throughs or sales.

And what stories gave you the best reach, replies, shares etc

Get into Insta-stalking. Follow your followers and see what they like and engage with the most.

Unless Insta-stalking makes you feel icky. We always say “if it feels icky, don’t do it.”

3. Mix up your posts

If you post the same thing, as in the same type of post, time after time after time your followers and audience are going to get bored. 😴😴😴

Now, we’re talking mixing it up in the type of post you do – not mixing up your strategy.

For example, rather than have all product posts, have a product post, then a behind the scenes image, then a video post, then a competition, then ask a question or do a poll using stories and send people to your stories.

Important note: Each post should be aligned to your strategy. Did we mention have a strategy. That should probably be the number one thing you need to have in place.

4. Bonus tip – get social

It may sound obvious, and you have probably heard it before. Social media is called social media for a reason.

It’s all about being social.

And that means:

  • responding to comments in your feed 
  • responding to direct messages (DMs) – unless the messages are icky.  Report and block those icky people. 
  • following your audience and commenting on their posts – not just waiting for them to comment on yours

It means frocking up, putting on your dance shoes, cranking up the music and heading out into the big wide Instagram world getting social!

And let the Instagram world know how awesome you are!

If you need help managing your Instagram account, book a free, no-obligation catch up with us. We'd love to help

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