Social Media Goals

Social media goals

Have you ever thought to yourself “why am I on social media”?

It’s time consuming. I have no idea if it’s helping my business. I don’t have a strategy, let alone even know if I’m doing it right.

Don’t worry – you’re not alone!

Why you should be on social media and social media goals are topics we are covering at our upcoming workshop,

How to Plan, Create, & Schedule Your Social Media Like a Pro

Here’s a little snippet of what we will cover when discussing social media goals.

Start with Why

As Simon Sinek fans, we always start with Why.

Knowing why you’re on social media is important. Otherwise, well really, what are you doing playing there?

For starfish it’s what we do so we need to be demonstrating our skill and knowledge, as well as our values and why. For us, it’s one way of reaching businesses who need our help – because we know they’re on social media.

When you know why you’re on social media, then it’s time to set some goals.

Setting social media goals

​You may have heard lots of marketers say “start with the end in mind”.

There’s a reason we do this.

It’s all about knowing what you want to achieve with your marketing. Or more specifically, your social media marketing.

We set goals because otherwise how will you know if your social media is successful without them?

And your goals need to be measureable. Not just “get more followers”.

“Get more followers” can be part of a social media goal but not your entire goal.

A better social media goal might be “Increase the number of my target market followers from 9,000 to 10,000 by 31 December 2020.” It’s specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-related.

By having smart goals in place, you can measure how you’re tracking towards achieving your goal. And, you can then change or adjust your social media if you find you’re not on track.

So, ask yourself, what do you want to achieve with your social media.

But wait there's more…

​Next week we’ll cover another section of our upcoming social media workshop.

​Who are your party goers?

In other words, who is your target market? Who is your ideal customer of client?

If you’re interested in drilling down into the process of planning, creating and scheduling your content to maximise your social media, book into our upcoming workshop.

Join our party

Book into our half-day workshop specifically on this topic.

You'll learn how to plan, create and schedule your social media content like a pro!

There are less than 15 places available!



If you need help making your marketing happen, lets have a coffee and a chat.

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