Three Magic E’s of Social Media

What are the Three Magic E's?

I have mentioned the three magic E’s briefly in Blog 96. So, what are the Three Magic E's?


The three magic E’s are:

  • Engage
  • Educate
  • Entertain


Three magic e's of social media


Today I’m going to delve into those a bit more. But, before I do, you may be saying, “but Mell, you talked about the Fabulous Five types of social media posts. Now you’re talking about Magic E’s. I’m confused.


Stay with me….


The Fabulous Five (Engagement, Behind The Scenes, Connection, Inspiration, and Sales) should all start with being one of the Magic E’s. I’ll used some of the Fabulous Five as examples below to help you out.


Now, let’s get into the three Magic E’s



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I talked about engagement posts in the Fabulous Five. They are meant to do exactly that – engage your audience and your target market.


So, when you’re thinking about your content is there a way you can ask a question?


For example, share a Connection post about an experience you have had and ask if anyone else has had the same experience. Start a conversation… “Who else has had this happen? It made me feel like… Does anyone else feel this way? How did you handle it?”


That’s an example of a Connection post that ticks the Magic E – Engage box.


Importantly, your posts that engage should be delivering value to your audience and target market. As should all your posts.



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Whether it’s about a service, product, your team – these are all about educating your audience and target market. BUT educating by providing value.


Think about what your target market wants to know (notice I said wants – not needs). You can use Behind the Scenes type posts to educate your target market and audience AND deliver value at the same time.




Answer some FAQ’s. If you’re getting asked similar questions all the time by your customers or potential customers, this is an indication of the type of information they WANT to know.


So, you can educate by answering those questions. And that’s valuable information for your target market.


The more valuable your content, the more people will share it, and that helps with engagement and positioning your business and brand as the one that people know, like and trust. And we know that the more people know, like, and trust your business and brand, the more likely they are to buy from you.



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Let’s finish with the most funnest E.


Yes, I know funnest isn’t a word, but it’s fun to make up words.


Did you see what I did there?


However, entertaining content doesn’t have to be you being silly (although that can be fun). Entertain, doesn’t have to mean make people laugh with your content. We are entertained when we are interested.


So, posts that Entertain can be educational and/or engaging too.


As an example, you could share a Behind The Scenes post showing your team putting together your shop window with a time lapse video.  It entertains by creating interest in how you merchandise and showcases your products at the same time. Or you could create a “How to” video on one of your products or services.



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The thing with the three Magic E’s is that their title is pretty self-explanatory.


Engage, Educate, and Entertain your audience and target market with your social media and you’ll build that know, like, and trust factor that makes them more likely to buy from you.


Importantly, you should always have a strategy behind your social media. Know what you’re trying to achieve and how will you get there.


Become a savvy social media player

We’ve launched the Savvy Social Media Planning program – a DIY online program where you learn how to build your social media strategy and content!!!


Enrol today and get rid of the social media overwhelm so you can take your social media from meh to marvellous.


It’s only $197 for lifetime access – you can revisit the program as often as you like.


If you wanted me to teach you this one-on-one you’re looking at over $1000 for one session!


That makes $197 for lifetime access is a bargain.


Find out more about the Savvy Social Media Planning program here.


Or enrol here.


If you need help making your marketing happen, lets have a coffee and a chat.

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