Ten terrific blog topics

Ten Terrific Blog Topics

Blog topics. We often here people say, “but I don’t know what to blog about”. So, here’s ten terrific topics on what to blog!

Here’s why creating content is hard

Here’s why creating content is hard Do you struggle with creating content for your business? A lot of the time I see business owners really struggle with writing copy and creating content for their own business and it ends up in the too hard basket. Why? Because creating content can be overwhelming and frustrating. It’s […]

Social Media Goals

Social Media Goals? This is one of the topics we are covering at our upcoming workshop, How to Plan, Create, & Schedule Your Social Media Like a Pro.

Planning your social media

We’ve been getting a few questions about planning your social media. Specifically around how to work out what types of posts to share on social media and how to plan them and schedule them out.