My favourite “free” social media tools

I love social media and all the opportunities (and fun) it brings. And because I love to share the love, and my mission is to make a difference (one starfish at a time), here are my favourite social media tools. Freebie Alert! Most of these tools have both free and paid versions, so you […]
Easiest Facebook Ads Strategy

Easiest Facebook Ads Strategy Maximising your opportunities We all know that Facebook ads can have a great impact with regard to reaching, connecting, and engaging new clients for your business. However, how do you make sure you’re maximising your opportunities. Well, it’s all about your strategy. Yep – start with a strategy! But what strategy […]
6 Facebook Ad Campaign Tips

6 Facebook Ad Campaign Tips Let’s face it – Facebook ad campaigns s can be a really cost-effective way to: Drive traffic to your website Increase brand awareness Increase sales Gather qualified leads Get more customers Etc, etc, etc However, they are also a potential money sink-hole. So, it’s important to be strategic about your […]
The difference between Facebook advertising and boosting posts

Put simply, Facebook advertising offers you a lot more than boosting. Better goal setting, better targeting, better flexibility, better reporting.
Facebook is removing Likes!

Facebook is removing Likes. Facebook has announced Australia will be one of the first countries to trial remvoing viewable Likes…
The basics of setting up a Facebook Ad

The basics of setting up a Facebook ad The most important thing in setting up a Facebook ad is to identify the goal. What do you want to achieve? If you don’t know what you want to achieve, then how will you know if your ad is successful or not. You should also know your […]
What is a Facebook pixel

What is a Facebook pixel?
Have you heard of the Facebook Pixel, but always wondered what it is?