Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo Many people, when they think about brand, go straight to their logo. However, your brand is more than a logo. A logo is simply a visual representation of your brand – one aspect of it. Your brand infiltrates every aspect of your business, so it’s important to get […]
5 marketing questions to ask yourself when planning for 2023

Are you ready for 2023? It may seem like a long way off, but if you want your business to be successful, you need to start planning now. Here are 5 marketing questions to ask when planning for 2023: question #1: What are your marketing goals? question #2: Is your target audience […]
Understanding the 7 Ps of Marketing

A jargon free zone Marketing is essential for any business, but it can be especially important for small businesses. Why? Because small businesses often have limited budgets and need to make every marketing dollar count. That’s where understanding the 7 Ps of marketing come in. Now before you clock out and think […]
The process to follow to develop your marketing strategy

Why have a marketing strategy? You probably hear all the time that it’s vital for your business success to make sure you develop your marketing strategy. But why? Why should you have a marketing strategy? Well – if for no other reason you’re 313% more likely to report success if you do. (Coschedule). Now I […]
Easiest Facebook Ads Strategy

Easiest Facebook Ads Strategy Maximising your opportunities We all know that Facebook ads can have a great impact with regard to reaching, connecting, and engaging new clients for your business. However, how do you make sure you’re maximising your opportunities. Well, it’s all about your strategy. Yep – start with a strategy! But what strategy […]
Santa Season Strategy Time

Santa Season Strategy Time Santa season is almost upon us. Have you got your Santa season marketing strategy ready? I hope so! But if you haven’t, here are some quick tips on building a successful marketing strategy this Santa season. What are you doing this Santa season? First – start with figuring out what you’re […]
Marketing Goals

Marketing Goals Before you begin… Marketing goals – where to start when talking about marketing goals? Well, we all know that having a marketing strategy is vital to the success of your marketing. And if you didn’t know that, well… you do now 😊 I know I quote this stat aaaaallll the time, but it’s […]
Why you need a marketing strategy

Why you need a marketing strategy If you’ve been wondering why you need a marketing strategy, here’s six good reasons. It’s a roadmap that helps you understand your market and therefore tailor your product/services to better meet their needs, which in turn increases your revenue Having a marketing strategy in place makes it easier to […]

I was recently asked to present to a group of business leaders about marketing and the importance of touchpoints. The combined knowledge in the room, from a leadership and business perspective, was pretty impressive. However, they were facing a common challenge with their marketing. And that was that their marketing wasn’t really focused on supporting […]
Friday 13th and Marketing

Friday 13th and Marketing From a marketing perspective, Friday 13th being unlucky is quite interesting as it’s a fairly global phenomenon. So how did it start? Well, apparently no-one really knows where the superstition all started. But, one of the most popular stories stems from Friday 13 October 1307, when hundreds of Knights Templar […]