How do I know who my target market is?

Who is my target market

Who is my target market?   How do I know who my target market is?   This is probably the question I get asked the most by business owners. And it’s not a simple answer. Let’s start by saying I have to admit that I don’t necessarily like the terminology “target market”. I use it […]

Naming your business

naming your business

Six steps to naming your business Whether you’re starting a new business or rebranding your business, having the right name is essential. The right name can help get your business known quickly and in a positive light – it can even attract customers. The wrong name can doom your business, creating the wrong impression and […]

What does your brand say?

What does your brand say about you? Who are you? Did you hear that song when you read the title of this article? “Whooooooo are you? de do de do… No, just me? Oh well – I must have watched too many episodes of CSI in my past. Anyway, onto “Who are you?”. Today, I’m […]

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign If the thought of developing a marketing campaign yourself gives you the heebie-jeebies, don’t worry; here are eight steps to build a marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns can be fabulous things if done right – and you can know if it is successful (or not). Done well, a great […]

Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo Many people, when they think about brand, go straight to their logo. However, your brand is more than a logo. A logo is simply a visual representation of your brand – one aspect of it. Your brand infiltrates every aspect of your business, so it’s important to get […]

Maximising Social Media Engagement

Social Media

Let’s talk about maximising social media engagement to take your business to the next level. Grab a cup of coffee and get comfy because I’m about to spill some secrets! Starting with… The Power of Social Media Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for all types of businesses. That’s why everyone is using it. […]

Creating a Strong Brand

Creating a strong brand

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small business or a major corporation – creating a strong brand that is unique, recognisable, and memorable can make all the difference in standing out AND attracting potential clients. But, how do you go about creating a strong brand? Well, lucky for you, I have some tips and tricks […]

Using video in your social media

Using video in your social media

Are you missing out? If you’re like most small business owners, you know that social media is a great way to reach new customers and grow your brand. And if you’re not using video in your small business marketing, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach and engage your target audience. With TikTok […]

It’s Time to Get on TikTok

Time to Get on TikTok

Don’t panic – you don’t have to do dancing videos! Chances are, you’ve heard of TikTok. It’s the hot (relatively) new social media platform that everyone’s talking about. Today I’m talking about why it’s time to get on TiKTok for your business. Now, before you say “I don’t want to do silly dancing videos” or […]

6 Marketing Tips for Social Media in 2023

6 Marketing Tips for Social Media in 2023 Where to start! It’s no secret that social media is constantly changing. What works today might not work tomorrow, which is why it’s so important to be strategic about all your marketing, including social media. Here are 6 marketing tips for social media that you can use […]

Sometimes we think we’re fine when we’re not

sometimes we think we're fine when we're not

Sometimes we think we’re fine when we’re not. We’re all seeing more and more posts, updates, information about the importance of looking after the wellbeing of our people and ourselves. If you’re like me, a lot of the time, you’ll read the information, the personal story, the updates and, while they’re incredibly important messages, not […]

Why Knowing Your Target Market Is So Important

Why Knowing Your Target Market Is So Important

There’s a lot of talk these days about target markets and ideal clients. You may be wondering what all the fuss is about, and why knowing your target market is so important. The truth is, if you want your business to be successful, you need to understand who your target market is. And you need […]

What are the best inbound marketing strategies?

best inbound marketing strategies

What are the best inbound marketing strategies? Best Inbound Marketing Stratigies for the win! Inbound marketing is a great way to attract more clients to your business. It involves creating quality content that attracts people to your website and then converting them into leads. There are many different inbound marketing strategies that you can use, […]

The difference between inbound and outbound marketing

the difference between inbound and outbound marketing

What’s the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? So you’ve heard of inbound marketing and outbound marketing. But you’re wondering what the hell they are. Well, I’m here to explain it to you. Inbound and outbound marketing are two different strategies that businesses can use to generate leads and sales. But what is the difference […]

The Know, Like, and Trust Factor in Marketing

the know, like, and trust factor

Why It Matters and How to Build It When it comes to marketing, there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else…   What is it?   Well, it’s called the know, like, and trust factor.   If you read my blogs or hear me talk, you’ll know that I mention this all the time. […]

do’s and don’ts of email marketing

do's and don'ts of email marketing

3 Don’ts and 4 Do’s of email marketing The do’s and don’ts of email marketing We all know that email marketing can be a great way to connect with clients and boost sales. But only if you’re doing it right. So, let’s talk about the do’s and don’ts of email marketing so you can create […]

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing Email marketing is da bomb! It’s one of the best marketing strategies you can implement to help you achieve your marketing goals – whatever they are. To help you maximise your email marketing, here are seven email marketing tips. 1. Start with the end in mind I’ve […]

A question about brand

5 creative marketing ideas for small businesses

A question about Brand I was recently asked a question about branding. It was: “If a BRAND is more than just a logo and a set of colours, what other things can we design, build or decide – that positively affect how people feel about us? That help us stand out?” That question was followed […]

Marketing activities you can do on a budget

Marketing Activities you can do on a Budget

Marketing activities you can do on a budget When it comes to marketing many people think that you need to spend ENORMOUS amounts of money. And let’s face it – not all of us (especially smaller businesses) have enormous amounts of money to spend. However, there are plenty of marketing activities you can do on […]

Marketing Goals

Marketing Goals Before you begin… Marketing goals – where to start when talking about marketing goals? Well, we all know that having a marketing strategy is vital to the success of your marketing. And if you didn’t know that, well… you do now 😊 I know I quote this stat aaaaallll the time, but it’s […]

What does Instagram no longer being a photo sharing app mean?

What does Instagram no longer being a photo sharing app mean? Instagram: no longer a photo-sharing app The Head of Instagram recently announced that Instagram is no longer a photo sharing app. What does this mean? If we read between the lines, it means Instagram is becoming more like Tik Tok. It doesn’t mean the […]

Identify your ideal target market – 5 questions to ask

Identify your target market Let’s talk about fish! When it comes to marketing it’s very tempting to promote your business everywhere and market to everyone. I mean who doesn’t want all the business you can get? Right. However, when you think about it, do you really want to compete with all the other businesses out […]

Here’s why creating content is hard

Here’s why creating content is hard Do you struggle with creating content for your business? A lot of the time I see business owners really struggle with writing copy and creating content for their own business and it ends up in the too hard basket. Why? Because creating content can be overwhelming and frustrating. It’s […]

Why you need a marketing strategy

Why you need a marketing strategy If you’ve been wondering why you need a marketing strategy, here’s six good reasons. It’s a roadmap that helps you understand your market and therefore tailor your product/services to better meet their needs, which in turn increases your revenue Having a marketing strategy in place makes it easier to […]

Finding time to do marketing

finding time to do marketing

Finding time to do marketing Are you doing everything but your marketing? Small business owners tell me all the time that they really struggle with “finding time to do marketing”​.  So, here’s the process that I follow to make sure my marketing gets done! Step 1: start with a plan Start with having a marketing […]

Email nurture campaigns are just like dating!

email nurture campaign 1

Email nurture campaigns are just like dating! What!!! How can email nurture campaigns be just like dating? Stay with me here. Like dating, you generally start out with a goal. In the dating world, the ultimate goal may be to get married. Or it may be to just have some fun getting to know different […]

Silly Season Marketing

Silly Season marketing tip 1

Silly Season Marketing Five+ tips to help you with silly season marketing Silly Season is only seven weeks away which means the big fella is on his way and you need to start your silly season marketing NOW!!! Whether you call it Silly Season, Festive Season, Christmas or Yule this time of year is a […]

Three reasons to use email marketing

Three reasons to use email marketing Email marketing is dead! You hear it all the time, but in reality, it’s not the case. When done right, email is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your existing and potential clients and customers. According to Campaign Monitor, “Email marketing is the king of the […]

Nine free things to help you with your marketing

Nine free things

Recently I met with Jade, a local business owner, comedian, student (studying her MBA) and wearer of many hats. Like a lot of us, Jade likes to do things herself. However she was feeling frustrated with her marketing. We had a catch up to see how starfish marketing might help, and we (both of us) […]

Planning & thinking differently

planning and thinking differently concept using lemons and a pink grapefruit

Planning and thinking differently Tomorrow the starfish marketing team will come together in our Albury office for a planning and thinking differently day. This will be the first time the three of us will be in the same location at the same time. (For those unaware we have three locations, Albury, Canberra and Rutherglen.) All […]

Finding your right marketing platforms

marketing platforms

Finding your right marketing platforms If you’re hearing that you must be doing all the socials, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc and you’re feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a break. Why? Because you really only need to focus on where your market is. And your market (your ideal customer) isn’t going to everywhere. Most likely they’re […]

How to schedule Facebook posts

How to schedule Facebook posts Are you spending too much time manually posting on Facebook? Scheduling your Facebook posts can save you a stack of time. And time is money. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to schedule your Facebook posts. Step 1 – Create your posts Go to your business page Click on the […]


I was recently asked to present to a group of business leaders about marketing and the importance of touchpoints. The combined knowledge in the room, from a leadership and business perspective, was pretty impressive. However, they were facing a common challenge with their marketing. And that was that their marketing wasn’t really focused on supporting […]

Magical Marketing Fairies

Merry Christmas from Mell & Kaitlyn

Magical Marketing Fairies What a year it has been. There were some big changes with starfish marketing as we grew; set up an office in Dean St, Albury; and welcomed Kaitlyn to the team. And we updated our branding! To our fabulous fabulous clients thank you for having us as your Marketing and Social Fairies […]

Friday 13th and Marketing

Friday 13th

Friday 13th and Marketing From a marketing perspective, Friday 13th being unlucky is quite interesting as it’s a fairly global phenomenon. So how did it start?   Well, apparently no-one really knows where the superstition all started. But, one of the most popular stories stems from Friday 13 October 1307, when hundreds of Knights Templar […]



Have you heard about the GDPR? Or the General Data Protection Regulation? The GDPR, while essentially an EU law has the potential to impact all businesses globally. So, if you haven’t paid much attention to it yet, please read on. This information is really important and it will help you protect your business. Disclaimer: Please […]

Funk up your LinkedIn Profile


Funk up your LinkedIn profile We all know social media is an important business marketing tool, and playing where your market plays is a key aspect of choosing which social media platform to “play on”. If your market is the business world then having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile is more important than ever. Why is […]

Promotion – Your number three P


Promotion – Your number three P Promotion is your number three in the seven P’s of marketing and is most commonly, what people think of when they think of marketing. And they usually equate Promotion with Advertising, but it is so much more than that. Disclaimer: I have no research or facts to back this […]

Price Number Two P

Price – Your number two P While price, is your number two P in your marketing mix (Product being #1), it could conceivably be the most important factor of your marketing mix. Why? Basically because it’s the element of the marketing mix that generates revenue and without revenue, we don’t really have a business. Pricing […]

Product – Your number one P

product - marketing mix

Product – Your number one P For your product – your number one P in your marketing mix, to be successful there are two key things it needs to deliver: Satisfy a specific need of your customer, and It has to deliver on it’s (your) promise I have discussed this many times – to meet […]

Do you understand your marketing mix?

marketing mix 7Ps

Do you understand your marketing mix? Do you understand your marketing mix? Last week I talked about the importance of having  a marketing strategy. And I touched on the marketing mix, otherwise known as the 7 Ps of marketing. Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at each of those Ps in a bit more […]

Five reasons to use video in your marketing

video on mobile phone

If you google “reasons to use video marketing” a plethora of articles come up, ranging from five to 25 reasons you should use video in your marketing.   And, you may have noticed that at starfish marketing, we are now including video’s in our blog and social media.   Perhaps you’re wondering why – if […]