My favourite “free” social media tools

Favourite free social media tools

I love social media and all the opportunities (and fun) it brings. And because I love to share the love, and my mission is to make a difference (one starfish at a time), here are my favourite social media tools.   Freebie Alert! Most of these tools have both free and paid versions, so you […]

Ten terrific blog topics

Ten Terrific Blog Topics

Blog topics. We often here people say, “but I don’t know what to blog about”. So, here’s ten terrific topics on what to blog!

Naming your business

naming your business

Six steps to naming your business Whether you’re starting a new business or rebranding your business, having the right name is essential. The right name can help get your business known quickly and in a positive light – it can even attract customers. The wrong name can doom your business, creating the wrong impression and […]

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign If the thought of developing a marketing campaign yourself gives you the heebie-jeebies, don’t worry; here are eight steps to build a marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns can be fabulous things if done right – and you can know if it is successful (or not). Done well, a great […]

Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo Many people, when they think about brand, go straight to their logo. However, your brand is more than a logo. A logo is simply a visual representation of your brand – one aspect of it. Your brand infiltrates every aspect of your business, so it’s important to get […]

YouTube Marketing

YouTube Marketing

There are some really good reasons that you should be setting up a YouTube Channel for your business. 1. It’s more than cat videos!

Instagram and business: Is it worth it?

Instagram and business

Instagram and business: Is it worth it? Should I be on Instagram for my business? As a business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to reach your target audience and grow your business. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most popular social media […]

Here’s why creating content is hard

Here’s why creating content is hard Do you struggle with creating content for your business? A lot of the time I see business owners really struggle with writing copy and creating content for their own business and it ends up in the too hard basket. Why? Because creating content can be overwhelming and frustrating. It’s […]

Maximising your sponsorships

Maximising your sponsorships Have you ever consider sponsorships as part of your marketing strategy? Sponsorships are more than handing over money to an organisation and expecting the leads and sales to roll on in! So where do you start? Like any marketing activity sponsorship should have a strategy and budget behind it. In other words: […]

Finding time to do marketing

finding time to do marketing

Finding time to do marketing Are you doing everything but your marketing? Small business owners tell me all the time that they really struggle with “finding time to do marketing”​.  So, here’s the process that I follow to make sure my marketing gets done! Step 1: start with a plan Start with having a marketing […]

3 simple ways to grow your email list

grow your email list 1

3 ways to grow your email list Are you struggling with growing your email list? We all know that, when it comes to marketing return on investment, email is considered number 1. Again, and again! If you don’t currently use email in your marketing, find out more about why you should be including email in […]

Silly Season Marketing

Silly Season marketing tip 1

Silly Season Marketing Five+ tips to help you with silly season marketing Silly Season is only seven weeks away which means the big fella is on his way and you need to start your silly season marketing NOW!!! Whether you call it Silly Season, Festive Season, Christmas or Yule this time of year is a […]

Fabulous five types of social media posts

five types of social media posts - engagement

The fabulous five types of social media posts Have you seen those social media calendars that show the different types of posts you can do? Have you wondered what makes the posts different? Well today’s your lucky day – we’re going to explain the different types of social media posts you can do. The fabulous […]

Play where your ideal customer is playing on the socials

play where your ideal customer is playing on socials

Play where your ideal customer is playing on the socials Where should I play? One of the questions we get asked a lot is ‘How do I know which social media platforms I should be on?” In other words, where should you play? The most important thing here is play where your ideal customer is […]

Setting Social Media Goals

Setting social media goals

Setting social media goals Start with the end in mind When it comes to setting social media goals, you may have heard lots of marketers say start with the end in mind.  There’s a reason we do this.  We need to know what you want to achieve with your social media, because that will influence […]

Social Media Goals

Social Media Goals? This is one of the topics we are covering at our upcoming workshop, How to Plan, Create, & Schedule Your Social Media Like a Pro.

Planning your social media

We’ve been getting a few questions about planning your social media. Specifically around how to work out what types of posts to share on social media and how to plan them and schedule them out.

How to be awesome on Instagram

How to be awesome on Instagram. Are you making the most out of your awesomeness on your Instagram page? Here are three tips to help you be Instagram awesome

Using Instagram story polls

Using Instagram story polls. One of our favourite things about Instagram is how easy it is to use story polls.

Why should you join Instagram?

Why should you join Instagram? Reasons why and how to use Instagram. Instagram is a pretty big deal these days. 1 billion people use Instagram every month!

23 marketing freebies

23 marketing freebies to use in your marketing. From social media scheduling to graphic design tools, to video creation, and more. 23 marketing freebies!

What is meme marketing?

meme marketing 1

Did you know that meme marketing is a thing? Yep. Businesses are using memes strategically in their marketing.    So, what makes memes special?    When we’re told that the average person spends nearly 2 hours on social media EVERY DAY, you can see why creating content that cuts through the scroll is important.    […]

Marketing your business on a budget

marketing your business on a budget 2

Marketing your business on a budget. Contrary to popular belief, marketing your business on a budget can deliver great results. Here are five budget marketing tips.

How do you do a brand audit?

How do you do a brand audit? The word “audit” can be scary. But doing a brand audit is an important part of creating consistency all through your business.

Defining your brand

Defining your brand

Defining your brand. Your brand should be a true representation of who you are as a business and how you wish to be perceived.

Facebook is removing Likes!

Facebook is removing Likes. Facebook has announced Australia will be one of the first countries to trial remvoing viewable Likes…

What do emojis mean?

What do emojis mean?
Did you know that this emoji ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ was named word of the year by Oxford Dictionary in 2015?

The basics of setting up a Facebook Ad

The basics of setting up a Facebook ad The most important thing in setting up a Facebook ad  is to identify the goal. What do you want to achieve? If you don’t know what you want to achieve, then how will you know if your ad is successful or not. You should also know your […]

What is a Facebook pixel

What is a Facebook pixel?
Have you heard of the Facebook Pixel, but always wondered what it is?

LinkedIn Vs Facebook

LinkedIn Vs Facebook. There are differences between the two that are important when it comes to using either (or both) platforms with your marketing.

Why is social media so important?

Why is social media so important?
Have you been wondering why is social media so important for business? There’s a really simple answer.

How to create your content

How to create your content  If you love creating stuff, this is probably the funnest part of content marketing (yes, funnest isn’t technically a word but sometimes you just have to break the rules). Before you get to the fun though, make sure you’ve got your content strategy and content plan in place. If you […]

Building your content plan

Building your content plan Building your content plan might seem overwhelming, but it can actually be pretty easy. First, make sure you’ve got your content strategy in place. If you haven’t done that yet, check out our previous articles on Great Content Can Help Grow Your Business and Creating Your Content Strategically. If you’ve already […]

Creating content strategically

Creating your content strategically Are you creating your content strategically? Last week we talked about three ways great content can help you grow your business. However, the trick is you need to have a strategy behind creating that great content! Your content strategy is different to your content plan. Your content plan is more along […]

Three reasons to use email marketing

Three reasons to use email marketing Email marketing is dead! You hear it all the time, but in reality, it’s not the case. When done right, email is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your existing and potential clients and customers. According to Campaign Monitor, “Email marketing is the king of the […]

Nine free things to help you with your marketing

Nine free things

Recently I met with Jade, a local business owner, comedian, student (studying her MBA) and wearer of many hats. Like a lot of us, Jade likes to do things herself. However she was feeling frustrated with her marketing. We had a catch up to see how starfish marketing might help, and we (both of us) […]

Planning & thinking differently

planning and thinking differently concept using lemons and a pink grapefruit

Planning and thinking differently Tomorrow the starfish marketing team will come together in our Albury office for a planning and thinking differently day. This will be the first time the three of us will be in the same location at the same time. (For those unaware we have three locations, Albury, Canberra and Rutherglen.) All […]

Finding your right marketing platforms

marketing platforms

Finding your right marketing platforms If you’re hearing that you must be doing all the socials, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc and you’re feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a break. Why? Because you really only need to focus on where your market is. And your market (your ideal customer) isn’t going to everywhere. Most likely they’re […]

How to schedule Facebook posts

How to schedule Facebook posts Are you spending too much time manually posting on Facebook? Scheduling your Facebook posts can save you a stack of time. And time is money. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to schedule your Facebook posts. Step 1 – Create your posts Go to your business page Click on the […]


I was recently asked to present to a group of business leaders about marketing and the importance of touchpoints. The combined knowledge in the room, from a leadership and business perspective, was pretty impressive. However, they were facing a common challenge with their marketing. And that was that their marketing wasn’t really focused on supporting […]

Promotion – Your number three P


Promotion – Your number three P Promotion is your number three in the seven P’s of marketing and is most commonly, what people think of when they think of marketing. And they usually equate Promotion with Advertising, but it is so much more than that. Disclaimer: I have no research or facts to back this […]

Price Number Two P

Price – Your number two P While price, is your number two P in your marketing mix (Product being #1), it could conceivably be the most important factor of your marketing mix. Why? Basically because it’s the element of the marketing mix that generates revenue and without revenue, we don’t really have a business. Pricing […]

Product – Your number one P

product - marketing mix

Product – Your number one P For your product – your number one P in your marketing mix, to be successful there are two key things it needs to deliver: Satisfy a specific need of your customer, and It has to deliver on it’s (your) promise I have discussed this many times – to meet […]

Do you understand your marketing mix?

marketing mix 7Ps

Do you understand your marketing mix? Do you understand your marketing mix? Last week I talked about the importance of having  a marketing strategy. And I touched on the marketing mix, otherwise known as the 7 Ps of marketing. Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at each of those Ps in a bit more […]

Five reasons to use video in your marketing

video on mobile phone

If you google “reasons to use video marketing” a plethora of articles come up, ranging from five to 25 reasons you should use video in your marketing.   And, you may have noticed that at starfish marketing, we are now including video’s in our blog and social media.   Perhaps you’re wondering why – if […]