Marketing Spaghetti
Stop throwing marketing spaghetti at the wall. You’ve probably heard me mention ‘marketing spaghetti’ a fair bit. It’s one of my go-to ways to explain what happens when marketing isn’t strategic. Throwing spaghetti at the wall might seem like a fun idea, but in marketing, it just leads to wasted effort, messy results, and a […]
The difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan
The difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan In my last blog for 2024, we covered planning your 2025 marketing strategy and if you’ve done that (before 2025), snaps to you. But strategy is only half the story. To actually make your marketing happen (and see results), you need a plan to make […]
Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Plan Your 2025 Marketing Strategy
In my last blog, I wrote about 2024 marketing wins and lessons for 2025, sharing why reflecting on what worked (and what didn’t) is so important. Now it’s time to take those insights and plan your 2025 marketing strategy. Having a clear plan means no scrambling in January, no guessing what to do next, […]
Looking back at your 2024 marketing wins and lessons for 2025
It’s time to look back at your 2024 marketing wins and lessons for 2025 2024 is fast coming to an end. And while it’s tempting to roll straight into 2025, it’s worth taking a moment to stop and reflect. Whether you’ve had a consistent strategy or just been winging it, reflecting on your […]
How do I know who my target market is?
Who is my target market? How do I know who my target market is? This is probably the question I get asked the most by business owners. And it’s not a simple answer. Let’s start by saying I have to admit that I don’t necessarily like the terminology “target market”. I use it […]
4 questions to help you start your marketing
4 questions to help you start your marketing When it comes to marketing, one of the most common things we hear from small businesses is “I don’t know where to start”. Yes, marketing can seem overwhelming, or hard, or scary. Particularly when there are sooooooo many options out there, or you are not a […]
The difference between sales and marketing
The difference between sales and marketing If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably heard the terms “marketing” and “sales” tossed around. They’re often used interchangeably, but they’re actually two very distinct aspects of your business. Understanding the difference between sales and marketing can help you strategise better, allocate resources more effectively, and ultimately grow […]
End of Financial Year Marketing Checklist
End of Financial Year Marketing Checklist: Everything You Need to Do Your End of Financial Year Marketing Checklist It’s that time of year again – the end of the financial year is just around the corner! This can be a busy time for businesses, as there is a lot of work to be done in […]
Top 3 Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Top 3 Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Marketing can be a tricky business. You want to make sure you’re reaching the right people without having to spend a bucket of time or money in the process. To help you avoid common marketing pitfalls, here are my top 3 marketing mistakes and […]
Why Marketing Is Vital for Regional Businesses
Running a business is tough. So when you’re in a location like Albury Wodonga it’s important to understand why marketing is vital for regional businesses. As the business owner you wear a million hats, juggle a to-do list that never shrinks, and often have to compete with national chains who have seemingly endless marketing […]
What are the latest trends and strategies in digital marketing
Trends and strategies in digital marketing for 2024 As a business owner, I totally get it – you’ve got a million things on your plate, and sometimes marketing can slip down the list. Understanding the latest trends and strategies in digital marketing gives you a better grasp of what works best for your […]
Word of the year 2024
Here we are in 2024! And at the start of each year, many of us search for that one word that will set the tone for the year ahead. Our word of the year 2024. It’s more than a resolution; it’s a guiding principle, a north star that helps steer our actions and […]
What is marketing?
It’s funny what comes up if you google ‘marketing’. I was searching for an image to use and this came up. Now, I’m actually going to shout (apologies). I HATE THIS… and I hate everything it portrays about marketing. Marketing is not: shouting at people through a megaphone (or […]
Eight steps to build a marketing campaign
Eight steps to build a marketing campaign If the thought of developing a marketing campaign yourself gives you the heebie-jeebies, don’t worry; here are eight steps to build a marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns can be fabulous things if done right – and you can know if it is successful (or not). Done well, a great […]
Writing your About page
Writing your About page. It can be really hard writing about yourself and your business. Most of us find it easier to talk (and write) about someone else. But don’t worry – I’m here to help with these three simple steps. Start by answering the questions below to create the About content for your website. When […]
Optimising Your Google Business Page
These days, having a solid online presence is absolutely essential for businesses regardless of what size your business is. And guess what? Optimising your Google Business Page (GBP) is one of the best ways to increase your visibility on the interwebs! GBP (formerly known as Google My Business page) has a huge impact […]
Get smarter marketing with analytics
Are you ready to look into the world of marketing measurement and analytics? I love this stuff. It’s such an important aspect of marketing that is often overlooked. So, let’s talk about why this stuff is sooooo important. Starting with…what exactly is marketing measurement and analytics? Basically, it’s collecting any data […]
Local Marketing Tips to help you make a splash in your community
Are you ready to take your local marketing game to the next level? As a business owner, you know the importance of connecting with your local audience, but sometimes marketing can feel like an overwhelming sea of options. That’s where I come in. Let’s explore the exciting world of local marketing to help you […]
Unlock the Power of a ‘Word for the Year’
How to Set an Intention and Achieve Focus and Clarity Have you ever heard of a “word for the year”? It’s a concept that’s been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to set an intention for the coming year. A word for the year is a single word that serves as a guiding […]
What are the most common questions asked about small business marketing?
What are the most common questions asked about small business marketing? Ahhh, small business marketing. It’s the bane of many entrepreneurs’ existence and the source of much confusion. That’s why I’m here to answer all your burning questions about small business marketing! And I’ll be up front here – I’ve actually left out the most […]
Marketing on a budget
As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save money. But when it comes to marketing, you don’t want to skimp. After all, effective marketing is essential to growing your business. But there’s no need to break the bank. There are plenty of ways to market your business on a budget. […]
Festive season marketing
It’s that time of year again! The festive season is just around the corner, and that means people are going to be spending money. Whether they’re buying gifts for loved ones or treating themselves to some festive season cheer, people are more likely to open their wallets during the festive season. As a […]
What are the best inbound marketing strategies?
What are the best inbound marketing strategies? Best Inbound Marketing Stratigies for the win! Inbound marketing is a great way to attract more clients to your business. It involves creating quality content that attracts people to your website and then converting them into leads. There are many different inbound marketing strategies that you can use, […]
The difference between inbound and outbound marketing
What’s the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? So you’ve heard of inbound marketing and outbound marketing. But you’re wondering what the hell they are. Well, I’m here to explain it to you. Inbound and outbound marketing are two different strategies that businesses can use to generate leads and sales. But what is the difference […]
The Know, Like, and Trust Factor in Marketing
Why It Matters and How to Build It When it comes to marketing, there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else… What is it? Well, it’s called the know, like, and trust factor. If you read my blogs or hear me talk, you’ll know that I mention this all the time. […]
Measuring Your Marketing
Measuring Marketing Measuring Marketing Success Do you know how to measure marketing success? If not, you’re not alone. A lot of business owners struggle with measuring your marketing. Marketing is a complex beast, and it can be tough to know what to focus on when measuring your marketing. And… there are a lot of marketing […]
5 creative marketing ideas for small businesses
5 creative marketing ideas for small businesses Marketing on a budget Don’t have a large marketing budget? No problem! There are plenty of creative marketing ideas that can get your business noticed on a shoestring budget. Here are five of my favourites: Get involved in your community One great way to market your small business […]
5 Tips for Making Your Marketing Happen
5 Tips for Making Your Marketing Happen Do you struggle with making your marketing happen? If you’re like most business owners, you know that marketing is important. But maybe what you don’t know is how to make your marketing happen. I hear it all the time. “I just don’t know where to start, what to […]
Marketing should be
Marketing should be… One day, not so long ago and before I started paying to use professional images for Starfish Marketing, I was searching for an image to use for a ‘marketing concept’. Can you guess what came up? It was something like this. and this and this Megaphones!!! Megaphones being used to shout at […]
Santa Season Strategy Time
Santa Season Strategy Time Santa season is almost upon us. Have you got your Santa season marketing strategy ready? I hope so! But if you haven’t, here are some quick tips on building a successful marketing strategy this Santa season. What are you doing this Santa season? First – start with figuring out what you’re […]
Building your marketing plan
Building your marketing plan This week I’m talking about building your marketing plan. This is the step you take after you’ve worked out your marketing budget and have a marketing wish list. Chances are your marketing wish list will end up as a pretty scary investment required to do everything on your list. That’s okay. […]
Marketing activities you can do on a budget
Marketing activities you can do on a budget When it comes to marketing many people think that you need to spend ENORMOUS amounts of money. And let’s face it – not all of us (especially smaller businesses) have enormous amounts of money to spend. However, there are plenty of marketing activities you can do on […]
Marketing Goals
Marketing Goals Before you begin… Marketing goals – where to start when talking about marketing goals? Well, we all know that having a marketing strategy is vital to the success of your marketing. And if you didn’t know that, well… you do now 😊 I know I quote this stat aaaaallll the time, but it’s […]
Identify your ideal target market – 5 questions to ask
Identify your target market Let’s talk about fish! When it comes to marketing it’s very tempting to promote your business everywhere and market to everyone. I mean who doesn’t want all the business you can get? Right. However, when you think about it, do you really want to compete with all the other businesses out […]
Awards and Marketing and choosing ice cream
Awards and Marketing Awards and Marketing – choosing ice cream Have you ever bought a specific ice cream because it had lots of medals on the packaging? Or any other product displaying medals, trophy, or award stickers (like wine perhaps)? I’m guessing those medal’s gave you a stronger sense of confidence in the ice cream. […]
Maximising your sponsorships
Maximising your sponsorships Have you ever consider sponsorships as part of your marketing strategy? Sponsorships are more than handing over money to an organisation and expecting the leads and sales to roll on in! So where do you start? Like any marketing activity sponsorship should have a strategy and budget behind it. In other words: […]
3 ways to market your business
3 ways to market your business What to focus on With so many options and ways to market your small business, it can be hard to know what to focus on. If you’re not sure how to market your business, here are three ways. Make sure you have a website Make the most of social […]
Why you need a marketing strategy
Why you need a marketing strategy If you’ve been wondering why you need a marketing strategy, here’s six good reasons. It’s a roadmap that helps you understand your market and therefore tailor your product/services to better meet their needs, which in turn increases your revenue Having a marketing strategy in place makes it easier to […]
Finding time to do marketing
Finding time to do marketing Are you doing everything but your marketing? Small business owners tell me all the time that they really struggle with “finding time to do marketing”. So, here’s the process that I follow to make sure my marketing gets done! Step 1: start with a plan Start with having a marketing […]
Silly Season Marketing
Silly Season Marketing Five+ tips to help you with silly season marketing Silly Season is only seven weeks away which means the big fella is on his way and you need to start your silly season marketing NOW!!! Whether you call it Silly Season, Festive Season, Christmas or Yule this time of year is a […]
Seeing opportunities in an upside-down world
Seeing opportunities in an upside-down world. COVID-19 has turned the world upside-down. It can be hard to keep on top of things, let alone see opportunities
Communications tips to help you manage COVID-19
Communication tips to help you manage COVID-19. How to communicate with your clients during this ever-changing situation.
Who is your Social Media Target Market
Put simply, your social media target market should be your ideal customers who are active on social media.
Social Media Goals
Social Media Goals? This is one of the topics we are covering at our upcoming workshop, How to Plan, Create, & Schedule Your Social Media Like a Pro.
Planning your social media
We’ve been getting a few questions about planning your social media. Specifically around how to work out what types of posts to share on social media and how to plan them and schedule them out.
If you do one marketing thing before the end of the year do this!
If you do one marketing thing before the end of the year do this! Yes, the end of the year and decade is here. A time where we look back and share lessons learned.
23 marketing freebies
23 marketing freebies to use in your marketing. From social media scheduling to graphic design tools, to video creation, and more. 23 marketing freebies!
Five more awesome Facebook posts you can do
Five more awesome Facebook posts you can do. From polls to testimonials and more. Keep your Facebook followers engaged.
Five awesome Facebook posts to help create engagement
Five awesome Facebook posts you can do. We all know that you need to be active on Facebook to build a following and connect with your audience . Here are …
What is meme marketing?
Did you know that meme marketing is a thing? Yep. Businesses are using memes strategically in their marketing. So, what makes memes special? When we’re told that the average person spends nearly 2 hours on social media EVERY DAY, you can see why creating content that cuts through the scroll is important. […]
Marketing your business on a budget
Marketing your business on a budget. Contrary to popular belief, marketing your business on a budget can deliver great results. Here are five budget marketing tips.
Five tips to help you get ready for the silly season
Are you ready for the silly season? To make the most of your silly season you really need to start getting ready now. Here are 5 tips to help you get ready.
Building your brand gap-fix action plan
Your brand gap-fix action plan will have eight parts to it, starting with what the gap is.
How do you do a brand audit?
How do you do a brand audit? The word “audit” can be scary. But doing a brand audit is an important part of creating consistency all through your business.
Defining your brand
Defining your brand. Your brand should be a true representation of who you are as a business and how you wish to be perceived.
Four reasons brand is important
Your brand is more than your logo. Here are four reasons your brand is important. It starts with recognition and trust.
The difference between Facebook advertising and boosting posts
Put simply, Facebook advertising offers you a lot more than boosting. Better goal setting, better targeting, better flexibility, better reporting.
Top two tips to stay competitive
Three reasons to use email marketing
Three reasons to use email marketing Email marketing is dead! You hear it all the time, but in reality, it’s not the case. When done right, email is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your existing and potential clients and customers. According to Campaign Monitor, “Email marketing is the king of the […]
Three people, three years, three lessons learnt
Nine free things to help you with your marketing
Recently I met with Jade, a local business owner, comedian, student (studying her MBA) and wearer of many hats. Like a lot of us, Jade likes to do things herself. However she was feeling frustrated with her marketing. We had a catch up to see how starfish marketing might help, and we (both of us) […]
Finding your right marketing platforms
Finding your right marketing platforms If you’re hearing that you must be doing all the socials, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc and you’re feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a break. Why? Because you really only need to focus on where your market is. And your market (your ideal customer) isn’t going to everywhere. Most likely they’re […]
How to schedule Facebook posts
How to schedule Facebook posts Are you spending too much time manually posting on Facebook? Scheduling your Facebook posts can save you a stack of time. And time is money. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to schedule your Facebook posts. Step 1 – Create your posts Go to your business page Click on the […]
I was recently asked to present to a group of business leaders about marketing and the importance of touchpoints. The combined knowledge in the room, from a leadership and business perspective, was pretty impressive. However, they were facing a common challenge with their marketing. And that was that their marketing wasn’t really focused on supporting […]
Magical Marketing Fairies
Magical Marketing Fairies What a year it has been. There were some big changes with starfish marketing as we grew; set up an office in Dean St, Albury; and welcomed Kaitlyn to the team. And we updated our branding! To our fabulous fabulous clients thank you for having us as your Marketing and Social Fairies […]
Friday 13th and Marketing
Friday 13th and Marketing From a marketing perspective, Friday 13th being unlucky is quite interesting as it’s a fairly global phenomenon. So how did it start? Well, apparently no-one really knows where the superstition all started. But, one of the most popular stories stems from Friday 13 October 1307, when hundreds of Knights Templar […]
Have you heard about the GDPR? Or the General Data Protection Regulation? The GDPR, while essentially an EU law has the potential to impact all businesses globally. So, if you haven’t paid much attention to it yet, please read on. This information is really important and it will help you protect your business. Disclaimer: Please […]
Funk up your LinkedIn Profile
Funk up your LinkedIn profile We all know social media is an important business marketing tool, and playing where your market plays is a key aspect of choosing which social media platform to “play on”. If your market is the business world then having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile is more important than ever. Why is […]
Promotion – Your number three P
Promotion – Your number three P Promotion is your number three in the seven P’s of marketing and is most commonly, what people think of when they think of marketing. And they usually equate Promotion with Advertising, but it is so much more than that. Disclaimer: I have no research or facts to back this […]
Price Number Two P
Price – Your number two P While price, is your number two P in your marketing mix (Product being #1), it could conceivably be the most important factor of your marketing mix. Why? Basically because it’s the element of the marketing mix that generates revenue and without revenue, we don’t really have a business. Pricing […]
Product – Your number one P
Product – Your number one P For your product – your number one P in your marketing mix, to be successful there are two key things it needs to deliver: Satisfy a specific need of your customer, and It has to deliver on it’s (your) promise I have discussed this many times – to meet […]
Do you understand your marketing mix?
Do you understand your marketing mix? Do you understand your marketing mix? Last week I talked about the importance of having a marketing strategy. And I touched on the marketing mix, otherwise known as the 7 Ps of marketing. Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at each of those Ps in a bit more […]