How do I know who my target market is?

Who is my target market

Who is my target market?   How do I know who my target market is?   This is probably the question I get asked the most by business owners. And it’s not a simple answer. Let’s start by saying I have to admit that I don’t necessarily like the terminology “target market”. I use it […]

4 questions to help you start your marketing

4 questions to help you start your marketing (1)

4 questions to help you start your marketing   When it comes to marketing, one of the most common things we hear from small businesses is “I don’t know where to start”. Yes, marketing can seem overwhelming, or hard, or scary. Particularly when there are sooooooo many options out there, or you are not a […]

The difference between sales and marketing

The difference between sales and marketing

The difference between sales and marketing   If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably heard the terms “marketing” and “sales” tossed around. They’re often used interchangeably, but they’re actually two very distinct aspects of your business. Understanding the difference between sales and marketing can help you strategise better, allocate resources more effectively, and ultimately grow […]

Digital Marketing in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide

Digital Marketing in 2024

Digital Marketing in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide   We’ve all heard about digital marketing, right! And we know it’s not just a buzzword; that it can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes.    But getting your head around what digital marketing is and how you can use it in your business can be […]

End of Financial Year Marketing Checklist

naming your business

End of Financial Year Marketing Checklist: Everything You Need to Do Your End of Financial Year Marketing Checklist It’s that time of year again – the end of the financial year is just around the corner! This can be a busy time for businesses, as there is a lot of work to be done in […]

15 ways to use video in social media

15 ways to use video in social media

Video and social media   Before getting into the 15 ways to use videos in social media, let’s briefly look at some stats.   First; “96% of people have watched a video to learn more about a product or service”*.   Ummmm, that’s a LOT OF EYES ON VIDEO!   Then, “84% of people say […]

Top 3 Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Top 3 Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Top 3 Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them   Marketing can be a tricky business. You want to make sure you’re reaching the right people without having to spend a bucket of time or money in the process.   To help you avoid common marketing pitfalls, here are my top 3 marketing mistakes and […]

My favourite “free” social media tools

Favourite free social media tools

I love social media and all the opportunities (and fun) it brings. And because I love to share the love, and my mission is to make a difference (one starfish at a time), here are my favourite social media tools.   Freebie Alert! Most of these tools have both free and paid versions, so you […]

What’s the difference between SEO and SEM

What’s the difference between SEO and SEM

Let’s face it, the whole world of online marketing can feel like a foreign language. You know you need to be doing something to get your business noticed online, but SEO, SEM, PPC – it can get overwhelming trying to understand it all.   So,today, I’m talking about the difference between SEO and SEM in […]

Ten terrific blog topics

Ten Terrific Blog Topics

Blog topics. We often here people say, “but I don’t know what to blog about”. So, here’s ten terrific topics on what to blog!

SEO: Getting found on Google

Getting found on Google

How do you make sure your business is getting found on Google.    Let’s face it, these days most people find businesses online. Need a plumber? Google it. Craving a coffee? You guessed it, Google.    But if your business isn’t showing up in search results, it’s like having a shop with the lights off […]

Why Marketing Is Vital for Regional Businesses

Why Marketing Is Vital for Regional Businesses

Running a business is tough. So when you’re in a location like Albury Wodonga it’s important to understand why marketing is vital for regional businesses.   As the business owner you wear a million hats, juggle a to-do list that never shrinks, and often have to compete with national chains who have seemingly endless marketing […]

Marketing is more than promotion

Marketing is more than promotion

Marketing is more than promotion When people think of marketing, the first thing that often comes to mind is promotion – ads, social media posts, and emails trying to sell something.    But marketing is not just about promotion. It’s a broad strategy that includes everything from what you’re selling to how you’re selling it. […]

Naming your business

naming your business

Six steps to naming your business Whether you’re starting a new business or rebranding your business, having the right name is essential. The right name can help get your business known quickly and in a positive light – it can even attract customers. The wrong name can doom your business, creating the wrong impression and […]

What does your brand say?

What does your brand say about you? Who are you? Did you hear that song when you read the title of this article? “Whooooooo are you? de do de do… No, just me? Oh well – I must have watched too many episodes of CSI in my past. Anyway, onto “Who are you?”. Today, I’m […]

6 questions to ask before rebranding

6 questions to ask before rebranding

6 questions to ask before rebranding   To rebrand or not – that is the question! And why address this question? Well… I had a conversation with a friend who is also a business owner. A friend who is thinking about re-branding her business. She wanted to know what I thought. My first question was […]

What are the latest trends and strategies in digital marketing

trends and strategies in digital marketing

Trends and strategies in digital marketing for 2024   As a business owner, I totally get it – you’ve got a million things on your plate, and sometimes marketing can slip down the list.   Understanding the latest trends and strategies in digital marketing gives you a better grasp of what works best for your […]

Word of the year 2024

Word of the year 2024 - it might surprise you

Here we are in 2024! And at the start of each year, many of us search for that one word that will set the tone for the year ahead.   Our word of the year 2024.   It’s more than a resolution; it’s a guiding principle, a north star that helps steer our actions and […]

What is marketing?

What is marketing

It’s funny what comes up if you google ‘marketing’.   I was searching for an image to use and this came up.     Now, I’m actually going to shout (apologies).   I HATE THIS…   and I hate everything it portrays about marketing.   Marketing is not: shouting at people through a megaphone (or […]

Build your 2024 marketing strategy

Building your 2024 marketing strategy As we head towards the new year (yes, it’s just around the corner), it’s time to craft your 2024 marketing strategy. You know, that important plan that outlines your goals, your ideal clients, key messages and a plan of marketing activities. But, before we start building your 2024 marketing strategy, […]

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign

Eight steps to build a marketing campaign If the thought of developing a marketing campaign yourself gives you the heebie-jeebies, don’t worry; here are eight steps to build a marketing campaign. Marketing campaigns can be fabulous things if done right – and you can know if it is successful (or not). Done well, a great […]

Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo

Your brand is more than your logo Many people, when they think about brand, go straight to their logo. However, your brand is more than a logo. A logo is simply a visual representation of your brand – one aspect of it. Your brand infiltrates every aspect of your business, so it’s important to get […]

8 ways to make your Meta account safer

8 ways to make your Meta account safer

8 ways to make your Meta account safer I get it – you’re busy. Running a business means wearing the hat of everything. And that means Meta security might not always something you think of. But hey, when it comes to your business, it’s super important to make sure your Meta account is as safe […]

YouTube Marketing

YouTube Marketing

There are some really good reasons that you should be setting up a YouTube Channel for your business. 1. It’s more than cat videos!

A Practical Guide to Getting Your Brand Right

A Practical Guide to Getting Your Brand Right

Do you ever wonder why some businesses have that unmistakable, unforgettable presence in the market, while others seem to fade into the background? Have you thought about what makes you recognise certain businesses, people, or products instantly? It all comes down to one powerful word: brand. I recently presented a Getting Your Brand Right Workshop, […]

Writing your About page

Writing your About page

Writing your About page. It can be really hard writing about yourself and your business. Most of us find it easier to talk (and write) about someone else. But don’t worry – I’m here to help with these three simple steps. Start by answering the questions below to create the About content for your website. When […]

The Power of Loyalty in Business

Loyalty in business

As business owners, we all know that success doesn’t come overnight. It takes hard work, dedication, and a few ounces of luck to get to where you are today.    However, what many of us fail to realise is that building strong relationships with our clients can make the difference between a one-time transaction and […]

Optimising Your Google Business Page 

Optimising Your Google Business Page

These days, having a solid online presence is absolutely essential for businesses regardless of what size your business is.    And guess what? Optimising your Google Business Page (GBP) is one of the best ways to increase your visibility on the interwebs!   GBP (formerly known as Google My Business page) has a huge impact […]

Change the business unicorn

Close your eyes for a moment and allow yourself to be transported to a time when you are a little girl, around the age of three or four.   In that innocent and magical phase of your life, a new fascination has captured your heart and ignites your imagination…   UNICORNS!   Oh, those enchanting […]

How to do a mid-year check-in for your business

How to do a mid-year check-in for your business

Well, the midway point of the year is upon us which means it’s time to pause and conduct a mid-year check-in for your business. This check-in is a crucial opportunity to re-evaluate your strategies, identify accomplishments, track progress against set objectives, and explore areas for improvement. So, let’s get started on how to conduct a […]

How to build your social media marketing strategy

How to build your social media marketing strategy

If you’re a time-poor business owner, chances are social media marketing is at the bottom of your ‘to-do’ list. You know that it’s important for the success of your business but you don’t have the time to devote to doing it yourself.   That’s why it’s so important to have a social media strategy.   […]

Mastering Entertaining Social Media Posts for Maximum Engagement

Entertaining Social Media Posts

Entertaining Social Media Posts for Maximum Engagement! Can you believe we’ve arrived at the final instalment of our epic journey through the realm of 7  Types Of Social Media Posts That Get Results!   This week, we’re diving headfirst into the captivating realm of Entertainment posts, where we’ll unravel the secrets of captivating your audience […]

The Power of Promotional Posts: How Your Business Can Benefit

Promotional Posts

The Power of Promotional Posts: How Your Business Can Benefit! Holy moley, can you believe that we’re up to number 6 of our in-depth look at the 7 types of social media posts that get results!   This week I’m talking all things Promotional posts.   But bore we get into that, you can read […]

Engagement Posts: The Key to Successful Social Media Marketing

Engagement Posts: The Key to Successful Social Media Marketing

Week 5 of our in depth look at the 7 types of social media posts that get results and it’s time to discuss engagement posts.    If you’re using social media then you will most likely have heard the term “engagement post.” But what exactly does that mean? And why are engagement posts so crucial […]

5 User-Generated Content posts to Boost Your Online Presence

5 User-Generated Content (UGC) posts

We’re up to number 4 of our in depth look at the 7 types of social media posts that get results and this week we’re looking at 5 User-Generated Content posts to Boost Your Online Presence.   User-Generated Content, otherwise known as UGC. Let’s start with…  What is UGC? UGC, is content that your followers/ideal clients […]

Inspirational Social Media Posts: A Guide for Businesses

Inspirational Social Media Posts

We’re up to week 3 of focusing on the 7 types of social media posts that get results. This week it’s all about Inspirational posts.  Remember you can read the previous articles below: 6 types of educational social media posts 5 types of behind the scenes posts   Now picture this You’re scrolling through your […]

6 Types of Educational Social Media Posts

6 Types of Educational Social Media Posts

Last week I talked about 7 types of social media posts that get results.   Over the next few weeks, I’ll be delving into each of those 7 types of posts in more detail. Starting with 7 types of educational social media posts.   What are educational social media posts? Educational social media posts are […]

Get smarter marketing with analytics

Get smarter marketing with analytics

Are you ready to look into the world of marketing measurement and analytics?   I love this stuff. It’s such an important aspect of marketing that is often overlooked.   So, let’s talk about why this stuff is sooooo important.   Starting with…what exactly is marketing measurement and analytics?   Basically, it’s collecting any data […]

Lights, Camera, Action: Why you need Video Marketing in your business

Video Marketing

We all know that video marketing has become an integral part of any business’s marketing strategy. And it’s no longer a choice whether or not to include video in your marketing, it’s a no-brainer that you need to be using video marketing.   From engaging with your ideal clients to increasing brand awareness to getting […]

Unleashing the Power of Marketing Automation

Unleashing the Power of Marketing Automation

Are you tired of spending hours upon hours manually sending out emails, updating your social media pages, and analysing your data?   Well, fear not my friends because the solution to your problems lies in the world of marketing automation!   Introduction: What is Marketing Automation? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of […]

2 steps to creating a marketing budget

2 Steps to creating a marketing budget

Today, we’re going to talk about one of the most important aspects of marketing – creating a marketing budget. I know, I know, it’s not the most exciting topic, but bear with me, I promise to make it fun.   First things first, let’s talk about why creating a marketing budget is more important than […]

Local Marketing Tips to help you make a splash in your community

Local Marketing Tips

Are you ready to take your local marketing game to the next level?   As a business owner, you know the importance of connecting with your local audience, but sometimes marketing can feel like an overwhelming sea of options. That’s where I come in. Let’s explore the exciting world of local marketing to help you […]

Get Googly-Eyed Over SEO: 5 Basic Tips for Small Businesses in 2023

Get googly-eyed over SEO

Today, we’re going to talk about a topic that might make you want to run for the hills: SEO. But don’t worry, we’re here to break it down for you in a fun and engaging way. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive in!   What the Heck is SEO Anyway? First things first, what […]

The social butterfly effect: Influencer Marketing

The social butterfly effect: Influencer Marketing

Welcome to the wonderful world of influencer marketing!   If you’re not familiar with the term, influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves using social media influencers to promote your product or service. It’s a popular strategy that many businesses are using to reach a wider audience and increase their sales.   Today, […]

Five awesome paid advertising strategies to help your business boost brand and sales

paid advertising strategies

Are you looking to take your marketing efforts to the next level? Well, you’re in luck because we’re about to dive into the world of paid advertising strategies.   Paid advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to target specific audiences and provide measurable results.   Let’s explore some of […]

Content marketing for lead generation

Content Marketing for Lead Generation

Are you ready to rock your lead generation game? Let’s talk content marketing!   If you’re not already harnessing the power of valuable and relevant content, it’s time to jump on board.   Today I’m sharing some tips that will help you create content to attract potential clients and drive action. From getting to know […]

Ten awesome email marketing best practices

ten awesome email marketing best practices

Woo-hoo! It’s time to talk about email marketing and ten awesome email marketing best practices!   Are you tired of sending emails that end up in the depths of your recipient’s spam folder? Well, don’t worry, my friend, because I’m here to share ten awesome email marketing best practices that will help you skyrocket your […]

Maximising Social Media Engagement

Social Media

Let’s talk about maximising social media engagement to take your business to the next level. Grab a cup of coffee and get comfy because I’m about to spill some secrets! Starting with… The Power of Social Media Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for all types of businesses. That’s why everyone is using it. […]

Creating a Strong Brand

Creating a strong brand

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small business or a major corporation – creating a strong brand that is unique, recognisable, and memorable can make all the difference in standing out AND attracting potential clients. But, how do you go about creating a strong brand? Well, lucky for you, I have some tips and tricks […]

Unlock the Power of a ‘Word for the Year’

Word for the year

How to Set an Intention and Achieve Focus and Clarity Have you ever heard of a “word for the year”? It’s a concept that’s been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to set an intention for the coming year. A word for the year is a single word that serves as a guiding […]

What are the most common questions asked about small business marketing?

questions about small business marketing

What are the most common questions asked about small business marketing? Ahhh, small business marketing. It’s the bane of many entrepreneurs’ existence and the source of much confusion. That’s why I’m here to answer all your burning questions about small business marketing! And I’ll be up front here – I’ve actually left out the most […]

How to do copywriting when you’re not a copywriter

How to do copywriting when you're not a copywriter

How to do copywriting when you’re not a copywriter I know, I know. You’re not a copywriter. And you don’t want to be one either. But unfortunately, as a business owner, you need to know at least the basics of copywriting Why? Because copy is EVERYWHERE in your marketing. It’s on your website, in your […]

Marketing on a budget

Marketing on a budget

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save money. But when it comes to marketing, you don’t want to skimp. After all, effective marketing is essential to growing your business.   But there’s no need to break the bank. There are plenty of ways to market your business on a budget.   […]

5 marketing questions to ask yourself when planning for 2023

5 marketing questions to ask when planning for 2023

Are you ready for 2023?   It may seem like a long way off, but if you want your business to be successful, you need to start planning now.   Here are 5 marketing questions to ask when planning for 2023:   question #1: What are your marketing goals? question #2: Is your target audience […]

Festive season marketing

Festive season marketing

It’s that time of year again!   The festive season is just around the corner, and that means people are going to be spending money. Whether they’re buying gifts for loved ones or treating themselves to some festive season cheer, people are more likely to open their wallets during the festive season.   As a […]

Using video in your social media

Using video in your social media

Are you missing out? If you’re like most small business owners, you know that social media is a great way to reach new customers and grow your brand. And if you’re not using video in your small business marketing, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach and engage your target audience. With TikTok […]

It’s Time to Get on TikTok

Time to Get on TikTok

Don’t panic – you don’t have to do dancing videos! Chances are, you’ve heard of TikTok. It’s the hot (relatively) new social media platform that everyone’s talking about. Today I’m talking about why it’s time to get on TiKTok for your business. Now, before you say “I don’t want to do silly dancing videos” or […]

6 Marketing Tips for Social Media in 2023

6 Marketing Tips for Social Media in 2023 Where to start! It’s no secret that social media is constantly changing. What works today might not work tomorrow, which is why it’s so important to be strategic about all your marketing, including social media. Here are 6 marketing tips for social media that you can use […]

Understanding the 7 Ps of Marketing

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing

A jargon free zone   Marketing is essential for any business, but it can be especially important for small businesses. Why? Because small businesses often have limited budgets and need to make every marketing dollar count.   That’s where understanding the 7 Ps of marketing come in.   Now before you clock out and think […]

Sometimes we think we’re fine when we’re not

sometimes we think we're fine when we're not

Sometimes we think we’re fine when we’re not. We’re all seeing more and more posts, updates, information about the importance of looking after the wellbeing of our people and ourselves. If you’re like me, a lot of the time, you’ll read the information, the personal story, the updates and, while they’re incredibly important messages, not […]

Defining your target market: the basics.

Defining your target market: the basics. Starfish Marketing Albury Wodonga

If you’re a regular reader of my blog’s you’ll know that I harp on about, as a business, how important it is to understand who your ideal clients are, aka your target market. You can read my latest blog on why knowing your ideal clients is soooooo important here. I also talk a lot about […]

Why Knowing Your Target Market Is So Important

Why Knowing Your Target Market Is So Important

There’s a lot of talk these days about target markets and ideal clients. You may be wondering what all the fuss is about, and why knowing your target market is so important. The truth is, if you want your business to be successful, you need to understand who your target market is. And you need […]

What are the best inbound marketing strategies?

best inbound marketing strategies

What are the best inbound marketing strategies? Best Inbound Marketing Stratigies for the win! Inbound marketing is a great way to attract more clients to your business. It involves creating quality content that attracts people to your website and then converting them into leads. There are many different inbound marketing strategies that you can use, […]

The difference between inbound and outbound marketing

the difference between inbound and outbound marketing

What’s the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? So you’ve heard of inbound marketing and outbound marketing. But you’re wondering what the hell they are. Well, I’m here to explain it to you. Inbound and outbound marketing are two different strategies that businesses can use to generate leads and sales. But what is the difference […]

The Know, Like, and Trust Factor in Marketing

the know, like, and trust factor

Why It Matters and How to Build It When it comes to marketing, there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else…   What is it?   Well, it’s called the know, like, and trust factor.   If you read my blogs or hear me talk, you’ll know that I mention this all the time. […]

4 things you can do if your marketing strategy isn’t working

marketing strategy isn't working

4 Things You Can Do If Your Marketing Strategy Doesn’t Seem to Be Working What to do if your Marketing Strategy isn’t working Do you feel like chucking your marketing in the bin with the bin chicken? That your marketing strategy isn’t working? Many businesses find themselves in this situation at one point or another. […]

4 Ways Automated Email Campaigns Help Your Business

4 Ways Automated Email Campaigns Help Your Business   Automating emails to benefit your business Did you know that automated email campaigns can help improve your open rates, engagement, and overall ROI? It’s true. So let’s talk about the benefits of automated emails and how they can help your business grow.   Timing is everything […]

do’s and don’ts of email marketing

do's and don'ts of email marketing

3 Don’ts and 4 Do’s of email marketing The do’s and don’ts of email marketing We all know that email marketing can be a great way to connect with clients and boost sales. But only if you’re doing it right. So, let’s talk about the do’s and don’ts of email marketing so you can create […]

How to Use Email Marketing to Benefit Your Business

How to Use Email Marketing to Benefit Your Business Email marketing to benefit your business When done correctly, email marketing can provide lots of benefits for your business, including increased sales, improved customer loyalty, and greater brand awareness. Today I’m going to cover how to use email marketing to benefit your business, including: the basics […]

Email Marketing: Why It’s Still Relevant and How to Do It Right

Email Marketing is Still Relevant

Email Marketing   Why It’s Still Relevant and How to Do It Right Did you know that email is a really, really, really effective digital marketing tool? If you’ve read my blogs before you will know this. However, let’s still look at a pretty impressive stat… HubSpot reports that email has “an astounding 4,200% ROI. […]

5 Tips to Get Your Emails Opened

5 Tips to Get Your Emails Opened

5 tips to get your emails opened Do your emails get lost? Do you ever feel like your emails just get lost in people’s inboxes? It can be tough to get your message across when there are so many other emails vying for attention. But with a few simple tips, you can write email subject […]

Measuring Your Marketing

trends and strategies in digital marketing

Measuring Marketing Measuring Marketing Success Do you know how to measure marketing success? If not, you’re not alone. A lot of business owners struggle with measuring your marketing. Marketing is a complex beast, and it can be tough to know what to focus on when measuring your marketing. And… there are a lot of marketing […]

5 creative marketing ideas for small businesses

Santa Season Strategy

5 creative marketing ideas for small businesses Marketing on a budget Don’t have a large marketing budget? No problem! There are plenty of creative marketing ideas that can get your business noticed on a shoestring budget. Here are five of my favourites: Get involved in your community One great way to market your small business […]

Five of the Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Business

Marketing Activities you can do on a Budget

Five of the Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Business Digital marketing is essential in today’s world As a business owner, you know that digital marketing is essential for success in today’s marketplace. But with so many different options available, it can be difficult to know which strategies will be the most effective for […]

Instagram and business: Is it worth it?

Instagram and business

Instagram and business: Is it worth it? Should I be on Instagram for my business? As a business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to reach your target audience and grow your business. Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most popular social media […]

5 Tips for Making Your Marketing Happen

5 tips for making your marketing happen

5 Tips for Making Your Marketing Happen Do you struggle with making your marketing happen? If you’re like most business owners, you know that marketing is important. But maybe what you don’t know is how to make your marketing happen. I hear it all the time. “I just don’t know where to start, what to […]

The process to follow to develop your marketing strategy

Marketing activities you can do on a budget

Why have a marketing strategy? You probably hear all the time that it’s vital for your business success to make sure you develop your marketing strategy. But why? Why should you have a marketing strategy? Well – if for no other reason you’re 313% more likely to report success if you do. (Coschedule). Now I […]

Easiest Facebook Ads Strategy

Who is my target market

Easiest Facebook Ads Strategy Maximising your opportunities We all know that Facebook ads can have a great impact with regard to reaching, connecting, and engaging new clients for your business. However, how do you make sure you’re maximising your opportunities. Well, it’s all about your strategy. Yep – start with a strategy! But what strategy […]

Marketing should be

Marketing Should Be

Marketing should be… One day, not so long ago and before I started paying to use professional images for Starfish Marketing, I was searching for an image to use for a ‘marketing concept’. Can you guess what came up? It was something like this. and this and this Megaphones!!! Megaphones being used to shout at […]

6 Facebook Ad Campaign Tips

6 Facebook Ad Campaign Tips

6 Facebook Ad Campaign Tips Let’s face it – Facebook ad campaigns s can be a really cost-effective way to: Drive traffic to your website Increase brand awareness Increase sales Gather qualified leads Get more customers Etc, etc, etc However, they are also a potential money sink-hole. So, it’s important to be strategic about your […]

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing

Seven tips to help maximise your email marketing Email marketing is da bomb! It’s one of the best marketing strategies you can implement to help you achieve your marketing goals – whatever they are. To help you maximise your email marketing, here are seven email marketing tips. 1. Start with the end in mind I’ve […]

How important is email marketing

Really really important! How important is email marketing? It’s really really important! When done right, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your existing and potential clients. It’s true. The research backs it up! According to Campaign Monitor, “Email marketing is the king of the marketing kingdom with a 4400% ROI […]

Santa Season Strategy Time

Santa Season Strategy Time Santa season is almost upon us. Have you got your Santa season marketing strategy ready? I hope so! But if you haven’t, here are some quick tips on building a successful marketing strategy this Santa season. What are you doing this Santa season? First – start with figuring out what you’re […]

A question about brand

5 creative marketing ideas for small businesses

A question about Brand I was recently asked a question about branding. It was: “If a BRAND is more than just a logo and a set of colours, what other things can we design, build or decide – that positively affect how people feel about us? That help us stand out?” That question was followed […]

Outsourcing your marketing

Outsourcing your marketing

Outsourcing your marketing Do you wear the hat of everything? As small business owners you wear the “hat of everything”. However, that doesn’t mean you are experts in everything. Knowing which activities your time is best spent on to get the best results for your business is an important part of running your business. And […]

Building your marketing plan

Free Monthly Social Media Calendar

Building your marketing plan This week I’m talking about building your marketing plan. This is the step you take after you’ve worked out your marketing budget and have a marketing wish list. Chances are your marketing wish list will end up as a pretty scary investment required to do everything on your list. That’s okay. […]

Setting your marketing budget

Setting your marketing budget Do you have a marketing budget? I really, really hope you answered yes! I talk to so many businesses that when I ask them what their marketing budget is, they either say, “I don’t know.” or “We don’t have one.”. Marketing budgets can be hard to get your head around. BUT…it’s […]

Marketing activities you can do on a budget

Marketing Activities you can do on a Budget

Marketing activities you can do on a budget When it comes to marketing many people think that you need to spend ENORMOUS amounts of money. And let’s face it – not all of us (especially smaller businesses) have enormous amounts of money to spend. However, there are plenty of marketing activities you can do on […]

Marketing Goals

Marketing Goals Before you begin… Marketing goals – where to start when talking about marketing goals? Well, we all know that having a marketing strategy is vital to the success of your marketing. And if you didn’t know that, well… you do now 😊 I know I quote this stat aaaaallll the time, but it’s […]

What does Instagram no longer being a photo sharing app mean?

What does Instagram no longer being a photo sharing app mean? Instagram: no longer a photo-sharing app The Head of Instagram recently announced that Instagram is no longer a photo sharing app. What does this mean? If we read between the lines, it means Instagram is becoming more like Tik Tok. It doesn’t mean the […]

Identify your ideal target market – 5 questions to ask

Identify your target market Let’s talk about fish! When it comes to marketing it’s very tempting to promote your business everywhere and market to everyone. I mean who doesn’t want all the business you can get? Right. However, when you think about it, do you really want to compete with all the other businesses out […]

6 ways to make the most of your Social Media

6 ways to make the most of your social media Do you know how to make the most of your social media? Social Media – we all know we should be on it but how do you stand out from the crowd? Here are six ways to help you connect and engage with your ideal […]

Awards and Marketing and choosing ice cream

awards and marketing

Awards and Marketing Awards and Marketing – choosing ice cream Have you ever bought a specific ice cream because it had lots of medals on the packaging? Or any other product displaying medals, trophy, or award stickers (like wine perhaps)? I’m guessing those medal’s gave you a stronger sense of confidence in the ice cream. […]

Here’s why creating content is hard

Here’s why creating content is hard Do you struggle with creating content for your business? A lot of the time I see business owners really struggle with writing copy and creating content for their own business and it ends up in the too hard basket. Why? Because creating content can be overwhelming and frustrating. It’s […]

Maximising your sponsorships

Maximising your sponsorships Have you ever consider sponsorships as part of your marketing strategy? Sponsorships are more than handing over money to an organisation and expecting the leads and sales to roll on in! So where do you start? Like any marketing activity sponsorship should have a strategy and budget behind it. In other words: […]

Lessons Learnt with Lucy Bloom

Lessons Learnt with Lucy Bloom Inspirational is an understatement On, 8 March 2021, I had the privilege of listening to the totally AMAZING and FABULOUS Lucy Bloom at the Business Women Albury Wodonga and BEC Business Advice Tools Skills Support International Women’s Day lunch. Inspirational is an understatement!  Lucy delivered some really important messages while […]

3 ways to market your business

three things to market your small business 1

3 ways to market your business What to focus on With so many options and ways to market your small business, it can be hard to know what to focus on. If you’re not sure how to market your business, here are three ways. Make sure you have a website Make the most of social […]

Why you need a marketing strategy

Why you need a marketing strategy If you’ve been wondering why you need a marketing strategy, here’s six good reasons. It’s a roadmap that helps you understand your market and therefore tailor your product/services to better meet their needs, which in turn increases your revenue Having a marketing strategy in place makes it easier to […]

Finding time to do marketing

finding time to do marketing

Finding time to do marketing Are you doing everything but your marketing? Small business owners tell me all the time that they really struggle with “finding time to do marketing”​.  So, here’s the process that I follow to make sure my marketing gets done! Step 1: start with a plan Start with having a marketing […]

Email nurture campaigns are just like dating!

email nurture campaign 1

Email nurture campaigns are just like dating! What!!! How can email nurture campaigns be just like dating? Stay with me here. Like dating, you generally start out with a goal. In the dating world, the ultimate goal may be to get married. Or it may be to just have some fun getting to know different […]

3 simple ways to grow your email list

grow your email list 1

3 ways to grow your email list Are you struggling with growing your email list? We all know that, when it comes to marketing return on investment, email is considered number 1. Again, and again! If you don’t currently use email in your marketing, find out more about why you should be including email in […]

Get on page one of Google

6 Facebook Ad Campaign Tips

6 freebies to help you get on page one of Google   There’s a joke that asks, “Where should you bury something you don’t want people to find?”   The answer is “On the second page of Google.”   Think about that.   How often do you search for something and click on one of […]

Silly Season Marketing

Silly Season marketing tip 1

Silly Season Marketing Five+ tips to help you with silly season marketing Silly Season is only seven weeks away which means the big fella is on his way and you need to start your silly season marketing NOW!!! Whether you call it Silly Season, Festive Season, Christmas or Yule this time of year is a […]

Three Magic E’s of Social Media

Three magic e's of social media

What are the Three Magic E’s? I have mentioned the three magic E’s briefly in Blog 96. So, what are the Three Magic E’s?   The three magic E’s are: Engage Educate Entertain     Today I’m going to delve into those a bit more. But, before I do, you may be saying, “but Mell, […]

Mapping out your social content

mapping out your social content content

Mapping out your social content. I recommend starting with your topics and post type format first. And crafting your content separately.

How often should I post on social media

how often should I post on social media 1

How often should I post on social media? “How often should I post on social media?” is probably one of the most common questions I get asked.   My answer is usually “it depends”!   Why do I say that when there’s stacks and stacks of studies out there telling you that if you post […]

Crafting your social media content

crafting your social media content 1

Crafting your social media content Do you struggle with crafting your social media content? As in knowing what to actually put in your posts to achieve the goals you’ve set yourself for social media? I talked about the different types of social media posts last week. You can read about that here. What I’m talking […]

Fabulous five types of social media posts

five types of social media posts - engagement

The fabulous five types of social media posts Have you seen those social media calendars that show the different types of posts you can do? Have you wondered what makes the posts different? Well today’s your lucky day – we’re going to explain the different types of social media posts you can do. The fabulous […]

Play where your ideal customer is playing on the socials

play where your ideal customer is playing on socials

Play where your ideal customer is playing on the socials Where should I play? One of the questions we get asked a lot is ‘How do I know which social media platforms I should be on?” In other words, where should you play? The most important thing here is play where your ideal customer is […]

Setting Social Media Goals

Setting social media goals

Setting social media goals Start with the end in mind When it comes to setting social media goals, you may have heard lots of marketers say start with the end in mind.  There’s a reason we do this.  We need to know what you want to achieve with your social media, because that will influence […]

Social Media Planning

Let's get social media savvy

Planning social media Social media planning Social media planning – we’ve been getting a lot of feedback from small business owners about their struggle with planning and scheduling social media. Specifically, around how to work out what types of posts to share on social media and how often they should be publishing them. So, we’ve […]

Five fabulous blogging tips

Five fabulous blogging tips to help you blog fabulously Five fabulous blogging tips Yep, we’re blogging about blogging – well about blogging tips. Fun times – or should that be fabulous times! Why would we blog about blogging? Because we love blogging and want to help you become a fabulous blog loving blogger too. So, […]

Social Media Goals

Social Media Goals? This is one of the topics we are covering at our upcoming workshop, How to Plan, Create, & Schedule Your Social Media Like a Pro.

Planning your social media

We’ve been getting a few questions about planning your social media. Specifically around how to work out what types of posts to share on social media and how to plan them and schedule them out.

How to be awesome on Instagram

How to be awesome on Instagram. Are you making the most out of your awesomeness on your Instagram page? Here are three tips to help you be Instagram awesome

Using Instagram story polls

Using Instagram story polls. One of our favourite things about Instagram is how easy it is to use story polls.

Why should you join Instagram?

Why should you join Instagram? Reasons why and how to use Instagram. Instagram is a pretty big deal these days. 1 billion people use Instagram every month!

23 marketing freebies

23 marketing freebies to use in your marketing. From social media scheduling to graphic design tools, to video creation, and more. 23 marketing freebies!

What is meme marketing?

meme marketing 1

Did you know that meme marketing is a thing? Yep. Businesses are using memes strategically in their marketing.    So, what makes memes special?    When we’re told that the average person spends nearly 2 hours on social media EVERY DAY, you can see why creating content that cuts through the scroll is important.    […]

Marketing your business on a budget

marketing your business on a budget 2

Marketing your business on a budget. Contrary to popular belief, marketing your business on a budget can deliver great results. Here are five budget marketing tips.

How do you do a brand audit?

How do you do a brand audit? The word “audit” can be scary. But doing a brand audit is an important part of creating consistency all through your business.

Defining your brand

Defining your brand

Defining your brand. Your brand should be a true representation of who you are as a business and how you wish to be perceived.

Facebook is removing Likes!

Facebook is removing Likes. Facebook has announced Australia will be one of the first countries to trial remvoing viewable Likes…

What do emojis mean?

What do emojis mean?
Did you know that this emoji ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ was named word of the year by Oxford Dictionary in 2015?

The basics of setting up a Facebook Ad

The basics of setting up a Facebook ad The most important thing in setting up a Facebook ad  is to identify the goal. What do you want to achieve? If you don’t know what you want to achieve, then how will you know if your ad is successful or not. You should also know your […]

What is a Facebook pixel

What is a Facebook pixel?
Have you heard of the Facebook Pixel, but always wondered what it is?

LinkedIn Vs Facebook

LinkedIn Vs Facebook. There are differences between the two that are important when it comes to using either (or both) platforms with your marketing.

Why is social media so important?

Why is social media so important?
Have you been wondering why is social media so important for business? There’s a really simple answer.

How to create your content

How to create your content  If you love creating stuff, this is probably the funnest part of content marketing (yes, funnest isn’t technically a word but sometimes you just have to break the rules). Before you get to the fun though, make sure you’ve got your content strategy and content plan in place. If you […]

Building your content plan

Building your content plan Building your content plan might seem overwhelming, but it can actually be pretty easy. First, make sure you’ve got your content strategy in place. If you haven’t done that yet, check out our previous articles on Great Content Can Help Grow Your Business and Creating Your Content Strategically. If you’ve already […]

Creating content strategically

Creating your content strategically Are you creating your content strategically? Last week we talked about three ways great content can help you grow your business. However, the trick is you need to have a strategy behind creating that great content! Your content strategy is different to your content plan. Your content plan is more along […]

Three reasons to use email marketing

Three reasons to use email marketing Email marketing is dead! You hear it all the time, but in reality, it’s not the case. When done right, email is one of the most cost-effective ways to connect with your existing and potential clients and customers. According to Campaign Monitor, “Email marketing is the king of the […]

Nine free things to help you with your marketing

Nine free things

Recently I met with Jade, a local business owner, comedian, student (studying her MBA) and wearer of many hats. Like a lot of us, Jade likes to do things herself. However she was feeling frustrated with her marketing. We had a catch up to see how starfish marketing might help, and we (both of us) […]

Planning & thinking differently

planning and thinking differently concept using lemons and a pink grapefruit

Planning and thinking differently Tomorrow the starfish marketing team will come together in our Albury office for a planning and thinking differently day. This will be the first time the three of us will be in the same location at the same time. (For those unaware we have three locations, Albury, Canberra and Rutherglen.) All […]

Finding your right marketing platforms

marketing platforms

Finding your right marketing platforms If you’re hearing that you must be doing all the socials, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc and you’re feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a break. Why? Because you really only need to focus on where your market is. And your market (your ideal customer) isn’t going to everywhere. Most likely they’re […]

How to schedule Facebook posts

How to schedule Facebook posts Are you spending too much time manually posting on Facebook? Scheduling your Facebook posts can save you a stack of time. And time is money. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to schedule your Facebook posts. Step 1 – Create your posts Go to your business page Click on the […]


I was recently asked to present to a group of business leaders about marketing and the importance of touchpoints. The combined knowledge in the room, from a leadership and business perspective, was pretty impressive. However, they were facing a common challenge with their marketing. And that was that their marketing wasn’t really focused on supporting […]

Magical Marketing Fairies

Merry Christmas from Mell & Kaitlyn

Magical Marketing Fairies What a year it has been. There were some big changes with starfish marketing as we grew; set up an office in Dean St, Albury; and welcomed Kaitlyn to the team. And we updated our branding! To our fabulous fabulous clients thank you for having us as your Marketing and Social Fairies […]

Friday 13th and Marketing

Friday 13th

Friday 13th and Marketing From a marketing perspective, Friday 13th being unlucky is quite interesting as it’s a fairly global phenomenon. So how did it start?   Well, apparently no-one really knows where the superstition all started. But, one of the most popular stories stems from Friday 13 October 1307, when hundreds of Knights Templar […]



Have you heard about the GDPR? Or the General Data Protection Regulation? The GDPR, while essentially an EU law has the potential to impact all businesses globally. So, if you haven’t paid much attention to it yet, please read on. This information is really important and it will help you protect your business. Disclaimer: Please […]

Funk up your LinkedIn Profile


Funk up your LinkedIn profile We all know social media is an important business marketing tool, and playing where your market plays is a key aspect of choosing which social media platform to “play on”. If your market is the business world then having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile is more important than ever. Why is […]

Promotion – Your number three P


Promotion – Your number three P Promotion is your number three in the seven P’s of marketing and is most commonly, what people think of when they think of marketing. And they usually equate Promotion with Advertising, but it is so much more than that. Disclaimer: I have no research or facts to back this […]

Price Number Two P

Price – Your number two P While price, is your number two P in your marketing mix (Product being #1), it could conceivably be the most important factor of your marketing mix. Why? Basically because it’s the element of the marketing mix that generates revenue and without revenue, we don’t really have a business. Pricing […]

Product – Your number one P

product - marketing mix

Product – Your number one P For your product – your number one P in your marketing mix, to be successful there are two key things it needs to deliver: Satisfy a specific need of your customer, and It has to deliver on it’s (your) promise I have discussed this many times – to meet […]

Do you understand your marketing mix?

marketing mix 7Ps

Do you understand your marketing mix? Do you understand your marketing mix? Last week I talked about the importance of having  a marketing strategy. And I touched on the marketing mix, otherwise known as the 7 Ps of marketing. Over the next few weeks, we’ll look at each of those Ps in a bit more […]

Five reasons to use video in your marketing

video on mobile phone

If you google “reasons to use video marketing” a plethora of articles come up, ranging from five to 25 reasons you should use video in your marketing.   And, you may have noticed that at starfish marketing, we are now including video’s in our blog and social media.   Perhaps you’re wondering why – if […]